Friday, May 1, 2015

Missing Dad

Today is May 1st, and this May 1st is the 34th anniversary of my Dad's passing. I still miss him every day, and I often wonder how differently my life would have turned out if he was still here.

It's strange that I have lived longer without him than I did with him, and I am now older than he was when he died.

I love you, daddy. I miss you so much.

Many thanks to Mark, Lanise, and JoJo for your kind comments on my last post - I really appreciate them! Les is getting a little stronger every day, but I'm still concerned about him. He doesn't seem to be rebounding as well as he usually does; granted, this was a really rough battle for him, and a little different than recovering from a surgery. He seems bound and determined to get out into the newly tilled garden area and get some seed in the ground.

On a random tangent, here are a couple of photos I clicky clickyed with my horrible little cheap cell phone camera over the past few weeks:

Mom's wisteria before she chopped the beejezus out of it

The gals at the Cafe 26 here on the mill site often write messages on my lunch orders. It totally makes my day!

For some weird reason, Blogger is choosing to rotate this picture. But I'm going to add it anyway because it's a cool cloud picture. It was a bit stormy that day.
Well, that's it for today. Here's hoping that May is a great month for us all.


1 comment:

  1. So sorry about you losing your dad so young. But I'm glad that your BIL is doing better now. I hope he is able to do his garden.


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